I wanted to thank everyone who attended my open house this week.I had a really nice time.I was a bit stressed out the days prior to the event though.I think it happens every December.
Not only was I trying to get my home ready, I had a show the previous weekend.I also spent quite a bit of time in front of my sewing machine this past week getting a few special orders done.Cleaning,decorating and setting up my display were also on my to-do list.
It was well worth the effort.
I had a great turnout and a great time.I got to visit with my friends (you know who you are, I had a few of my wonderful customers come that I haven't seen since summer and I met a couple really nice people :o)
Thank You to all.
Not only to the people who came to the open house but also to everyone who has encouraged me and complimented me over this past year.
Without your support I could not do what I do.
Thank You to all of the customers,shop owners,festival organizers,volunteers,friends(old and new),vendors,fellow artists and crafters.A special thanks to the staff who work the cutting table at Jo Anns! lol
And I can't forget my beautiful family for helping me.
This has been a rewarding and fantastic year ! ! !